1. DO NOT compare your journey to someone else's
2. DO NOT think less of yourself for slipping up or overeating, Remember, no one is perfect. (Just don't let it become a daily habit)
3. If you want a biscuit, eat a biscuit. (that doesn't mean you have to eat the entire packet😂)
4. There's no best plan for everyone. If you are seeing results and enjoying what you're doing, keep doing what you're doing.
5. PROGRESS IS PROGRESS, no matter how small. Celebrate small wins on your journey.
If you're not enjoying your weight loss journey, you despise your diet, dread working out -- then something needs to change.
I'm not saying you have to absolutely love and adore every second of losing weight, There are times when it's really challenging it stick to your nutrition or muster up the energy to get a workout in.
If you want to get results and actually enjoy this process, it's got to start with YOU and YOUR mindset.
- YOU need to stop comparing yourself to others.
- YOU need to stop punishing yourself every time you slip up.
- YOU need to make sure that you're following diet and exercise protocols that help you feel in control.
- YOU need to know it's okay to have "fun foods" on occasion. (just remember there's a difference between eating one piece and the entire package☺️)
and finally...
YOU need to recognize that progress is progress, no matter how small. In fact, every choice you make that's moving you closer to your fitness goals is progress.
Whether you're trying to lose weight or just make better choices, making fitness apart of your life is hard work. But it shouldn't be a miserable experience. It should be rewarding, empowering and enjoyable .